Please take the time and go through our testing and informations videos. Here you will find videos on product application and how to use procedures for each product.
This is the first full lower body BEAST Exoskeleton test! We tested for a total of 40 minutes without the battery posing power. We validate further validate battery life and use cases in future videos. Stay tuned for more!
The first add as you go exoskeleton design!
The initial testing of the wearable GauntletAI biometric sensors. GauntletAI is a new line of wearable dynamic limb force sensors for athletic and fitness performance measurements.
The left leg test of the Beast Exoskeleton. The Beast Exoskeleton is the world's first IoT exoskeleton!
Testing the modular hip motor units of the Beast Exoskeleton while lifting and holding a 70 lb medicine ball.
Testing the GauntletAI while throwing a football.